I know what it's like to have stress be your constant companion
I have never been one for a straight & traditional path up the corporate ladder. I’ve always found it was more important to feel fulfilled and happy in my life and my work than to follow a traditional “path to success”. Not that I haven’t tried - I spent 10 years in the corporate world and while I enjoyed many of my jobs and some of the awesome perks (great co-workers, amazing events, coffee and smoothie lunch runs, incredible dinners and trips), I knew in my heart it wasn’t the right path for me. I spent years feeling stressed, panicky and incredibly rigid in my life. I realized much later that my whole lifestyle was contributing to this constant feeling.
I decided a big change was necessary and fast forward many years and 3 kids later, I am now a Yoga Alliance advanced 500-hour yoga teacher also trained in meditation, restorative yoga, SPA Yoga and Balanced AthleteTM as well as a Board Certified Health Coach with training from the Institute for Integrated Nutrition. I’ve also spent years of self study in women’s health and wellness. I started Inspired Healthy Life in 2010 and spent many years coaching women to live better lives through healthy eating.