Elevate: To rise & make higher
Elevate our energy. Expand our capacity for our lives by creating space to just be. Elevate our energetic vibration through good food and good people, expansive, relaxing meditations and joyful yoga practice.
It’s been a long time since you lifted your face to the sun and felt the full warmth of its rays
It’s been a long time since you’ve been able to lay down the heavy things you’ve been carrying around. It’s been a long time since you’ve felt the freedom of being able to breathe and find the space to rejuvenate your spirit.
It’s for these reasons that we will gather and retreat for a day
Nestled in a beautiful barn in the middle of a meadow, under the warmth of the sun, we will move, flow, breathe, play and find freedom.
This day is just for you. To surround yourself with nature. To be reconnected with yourself. We’ll explore our surroundings and our hearts through yoga, good food and gentle nudges pushing you forward. They'll be quiet, calm and laughter, yoga, breathing and time to play on the water.